Friday 22 May 2009

Fundraising continues

Fundraising now the marathon is over continues. Forever...

SMA have a baby comp going if you are here clues.

Here they are:

3, 5, 2, 6, 4, 1 is the secret number!

Sunday 3 May 2009

Photo's from my sister - from marathon day

I appear to be losing my head in these pic's... However as many people failed to spot... let alone photo the lesser spotted Cregan she did v. well!

Most of these are from the 11 mile plus mark.
The video bar on the left can be unreliable - due to firewalls - if you can not see the video mentioned in the last post click here YOUTUBE - CLIP - I accidently rated it 1 star. Sorry Malcom

Friday 1 May 2009

Pic's, pain and video and tape

I have posted the first of a number of during the marathon – clips form the Lobb outside broadcast unit.

Offical photo’s are at – Put in Cregan and bib number 46878

These are funny as I look a hell of a lot more tired than anyone else… getting old.