Sunday, 15 February 2009

Half Marathon - Done!

Today - Sunday - I got a half done in well under 1.45. Less than 8 min mile pace... I forgot to time it again... but this is how fast I will need to run to get a sub 4hr time.

Sunday morning at 6.45 is a strange time to be out. The streets are filled with... people on a mission while the rest of the world sleeps.

There is the good... going to church. In Lewisham this involves wearing some pretty wild Sunday best. Then there is the bad well dressed but now dishevelled people staggering home from the clubs and the ugly... me sweating away.

Whilst on my run the temptation to give up was very real today... not just in my head. As I usually run in a hoop there is always the temptation to knock a few miles off and head home. Today a fella in track suit walked out a newsagents ahead of me. I cruised past him but then suddenly he started sprinting. My first though was... race...! but this was mile 8 so I plodded on. Surprisingly I managed to not only catch him but the bus as well... this was because the driver thought we were together, so waited for me. He then started shouting at me to get on the bus. Very tempting... but... I did the full run and went home... to turn rocks into sandwiches*...

These were needed to go to the Tate and take in some Russian constructivist modern art before watching Ireland hammer Italy.

A good day! In all all... and it's school hols.

* A Sunday / Lenten joke

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