Saturday 14 February 2009

Love and legs...

It’s Valentine’s day so no training today… Did 10k before school on Friday and felt very comfortable. 10k now feels very short and I really wanted to do more…

I have a week off work now so the aim is to lift my mileage and weight train more often at the gym or in the garden. I rarely do lower body focused exercises so I’m getting used used to lunges, squats, donkey kicks, step ups and calf raises. Frankly, I know why I don’t do them… … they’re sooooooooo dull so I’ve combined them with upper body moves to make them more interesting. E.g. step and shoulder press, squat with cleans. However lunges can’t be done with anything… they look like they should be easy… just walking a bit funny… but they’ve given me the worst DOM’s I’ve ever experienced… which is a sign they’re worth it?

These excercises will, according to the reading, strenghten my legs to make me run faster and/or longer...

As it’s Valentines day we’ve been eating fizzy lovehearts…. We all got nice messages such as “Your cute”… apart from Scarlett whose first ever loveheart read “Grow up”. ???? They were still lots of fun... especially as we had them at our wedding too.

Rugby this afternoon is excellent. Scotland didn’t get thrashed and in fact you could say they were robbed (by an Irish referee), so should get a win… to unsettle things. It’s midway in the England game with Wales… and both teams look a) Beatable b) Capable of winning this game.

Tomorrow is the Ireland /Italy game… really want to go to see this game one year in Rome. Tomorrow I'll need to get my long 13 mile run done early to be done before kick off.

Our local shop which sells Irish produce such as white pudding, fig rolls and Tayto crisps has shut... So I'll have to be on the look out for a new fig roll seller as the Irish ones are so much nicer than any others and a great snack after a run.

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