Saturday 21 February 2009


For the first time in months... I've run with the sun shining. This made a massive difference as running was no longer an ordeal.

I can see now why people in the past got very obsessional about the seasons. Running involves spending hours out in the elements just like the farmers, travellers and workers of the past would have done and the difference a bit of sunshine makes is amazing. Today we pop into our cars, from one nice warm, lit building to another and barely notice the cold.

Anyway 15 miles! The furthest run yet in 2hrs 03mins and 10 sec's. Now applying the formula - T2 = T1 x (D2/D1)1.06 where T1 is the given time, D1 is the given distance, D2 is the distance to predict a time for, and T2 is the calculated time for D2 = a marathon time of 3.40.53. I know I can run faster and hopefully more training and the excitement of the race will help me break 3.30.

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